Machine Wars
Issue One
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8-8-02: Part one is done! Go view it in the "Issue One" page!

7-17-02: Two news items: Fixed the fluffy stuff on the page, no more kibble. Next news item: Transformers: Machine Wars issue one, part one will be out this week. You will be able to view it in Flash or html. Part one is 7 pages long, with the first page colored, and the rest in b+w. Part two will follow, 1-2 two weeks later, depending apon how far we are on part three.

7-3-02: Alright, I know it has been almost a month since I've updated, but there hasn't been much to update on, save for this;

Will(aka Beamer) won't be able to help for a while, he has too many other commitments. We still have a good 8 or 9 pages left to be pencilled, and Primus knows how many to be colored. I still can't believe we haven't got it out yet. We have plenty of interior artists, and Matt Larson informed me he will be able to do a few pages a month, so I have decided to not do interior, and work on covers and splash pages. I'm not really good at sequential art, and I want to take some time to improve, plus I have a few other projects going.

6-6-02: We are having some troubles with the polls...some G2 fanatic is coming and voting waaaaay more thatn once...about 45 times, and I'm asking for the person who is doing it to please stop. I'd not like to have to take the polls down because of a spammer.

6-6-02: We have another colorist aboard the team! Welcome, StarSaber09!

6-4-02: The call for help has been answered! Welcome Salt Man Z and Beamer, frequent Allsparkers, to the crew! They will both be doing interior pencils!

6-4-02: HELP!!! One of our interior artists will not be able to pencil his part this month, so I need someone who can pencil about 5-6 pages this month, and about 3 or so after this month! Email me about ASAP! .

6-4-02: Okay, people are still voting in the polls, so I will leave 'em up for a while longer.

5-31-02: The polls are in! We are going with the G1 insignias. this was a wierd debate, because the box art has them with G2 insignias, and the toys themselves have G1. Oh well, G1 it is!

5-31-02: It's been a few days since I've updated, so here is a small update; last night I decided i need to learn how to color, so God Fire Convoy doesn't have to color the whole thing. I colored Matt Larson's Screamer pic. i need a lot of practice, and it'll be a while until I get good enough to do the comic. oh well, it's a start.

5-29-02: I searched the web and found a few places that carry Machine Wars toys. I put all my finds in a new page, "Buy/Sell". Also, the page is more than just a links page, if you have any specificx ones you are looking for, or are selling, email it to me at .

5-28-02: Added Misatokitty's bio to the "About Us" page.

5-27-02: Added Obsidian's bio to the "About Us" page.

5-27-02: Added a new poll! Vote now to choose the official insignia of the Machine Wars webcomic!

5-26-02: The results are in! I'm going to for for a "compromise" between grit and not. I'm having God Fire Convoy take out some of the grit right now.

5-25-02: Added an "About Us" page, so go check out how this web comic got started, and a little about the crew, with more to come!

5-24-02: Added an "Issue One" page, where you will be able to read the first installment in the series when it is finished. Right now you can read a little teaser, and see a page from the issue.

5-24-02: Added a gustbook to the site, so head over there now to sign it! Also, please excuse some of the kibble above this text, I was expirementing with stuff, and now it is stuck.

5-24-02: Added a poll above and a counter at the bottom of the page! Hope you like it!

5-22-02: Added some box scans to the toys page!

5-22-02: We have a new member working on the project! Welcome Jake, of the allspark! Jake will be doing pin-ups, and maybe an occasional cover.

5-21-02: Whoo, lots of updates! I updated the FAQ page, and created a "Toys" page, showing all the pictures I could find!

5-21-02: Update on previews: the first preview put up got 131 views so far! The other has 90!

5-21-02: Just added a FAQ page

5-20-02: Just thought you might want to know: On, the first preview I put up got 91 views so far! The other has 61 views! Here are a few of the RE-views: (this is the scariest so far)"And you'll go down in Trans-fan history. @#!$ up and join the dozens of BLAMMED! movies that have passed through NG on their way to oblivion...

...don't %##$ up..."

And the nicest: "Nice potential, but the Trans-fan crowd is sorta harsh. Good luck!"

5-20-02: Added a link to the first Flash Preview made up of tec specs in the Previews Page.

5-20-02: Added a link to the Flash Preview for the upcoming comic in the Previews section. I know, I don't like too much either, but it was the only place I could find. I also have another one coming soon!

5-19-02: Moved the news section up here, I thought it'd be better if it was the first thing you'd see when you came here.

5-18-02: Added a Previews page and an About Machine Wars page. Also, I have a few flash previews coming soon!


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